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Pelham Girl Scouts Health & Wellness, is a Community Day planned and produced by the Pelham Girl Scouts Service Unit 731.   We believe in our community support around coping with difficult issues. Our goal is to harness the network of organizations in Pelham to bring their excellent programming to our community around the theme of Health, Wellness and Safety. This is the inspiration behind our March 9th Community Day, where we encourage our participants of all backgrounds and skill sets to connect, learn and grow.

Free Trolley Rides around town

Dotted Half-Notes: GS Acapella

Free Movie at Pelham Picture House



Events and Activities
Community Service Projects
Safe at Home Workshop

Parent and Me Trampoline Fitness

Project Community Presentations

Jazzy Jumpers - Double Dutch Activity

Cybersecurity Workshop


End-Of-Day Celebration
Highest Awards and Recognitions​

Pelham Girl Scouts Community Day of Health, Wellness & Safety
March 9th, 2024

It’s time to experience something new. Pelham Girl Scouts Health & Wellness is an enriching Volunteer Program that will leave you with experiences to last a lifetime. Ready to learn more? Explore our site for more information about our programs.

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Generously Sponsored by:

Compass Realty
Capital Realty
Pelham Together
Project Community

Huguenot Memorial Church
Pelham Country Club

Pelham Public Library
Studio on the Ave
Junior League
of Pelham
Pelham Picture House
Manor Market
Flour Power
Depot Dave
DaniLee's Helping Hands
Thrive Barre and Fitness

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All About Us

Foster a healthy mindset and do what makes you happy. When we established Pelham Girl Scouts Health & Wellness Community Day in 2023, these were the goals we had in mind. Our innovative Volunteer Program inspires and motivates others to serve those in need and to be open to new experiences. You never know what exciting discoveries await.

Our participants are at the heart of what we do. Each year they motivate us to develop new, exciting programs that supports needs that often go unseen concerning health, wellness and safety.  Participate in a unique array of activities and workshops, open to everyone in the community and help us forge lasting bonds with one another. Join us for our upcoming March 9th Community Day of Health, Wellness and Safety — Girl Scouts is more that what you thought.

...more to come
Packing Food in Boxes

Community Service

Disaster clean-up buckets
Pajama Program and Book Drive
My Sister's Place

Pelham Girl Scouts Health & Wellness

©2024 by Pelham Girl Scouts Health & Wellness. Proudly created with

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